Emily-Jane Hills Orford
Emily-Jane Hills Orford - biography image

Emily-Jane Hills Orford

An avid gardener, artist, musician and writer, Emily-Jane Hills Orford has fond memories and lots of stories that evolved from a childhood growing up in a haunted Victorian mansion. Told she had a ‘vivid imagination’, the author used this talent to create stories in her head, allowing her imagination to lead her into a different world, one of her own making. As the author grew up, these stories, imaginings and fantasies took to the written form and, over the years, she developed a reputation for telling a good story. A retired teacher of music and creative writing, she writes about the extra-ordinary in life and the fantasies of dreams combined with memories.

Available for interviews.


Author Links:

Facebook: facebook.com/realpeoplestories

Twitter: twitter.com/ejhomusic

Goodreads: goodreads.com/author/show/1732544.Emily_Jane_Hills_Orford